Books Theology

Julie Ferwerda: Raising Hell – Christianity’s most controversial doctrine put under fire!

“Through a very intentional plan that reaches into future ages, I believe the true Gospel is that all people for all time will be willingly and joyfully drawn by the unconditional, irresistible, compelling love of a Father into a relationship with Him through His Son.”–Julie Ferwerda

Julie Ferwerda, author of Raising Hell (image from

“I know it’s easy to want to rely on the strength of numbers for our beliefs, but of all the multitudes of people He encountered, including welltrained, religious leaders and teachers of His day, Jesus had only a handful of simple, unscholarly followers who were willing to hear, follow, and even die for a different message than the orthodox teachings of His day.

I believe Jesus’ true message, as we’ll fully explore, was that He came to save all people with the assistance of a chosen people, in a purposeful plan that extends long past this mortal lifetime. Jesus died for ALL (1 Peter 3:18), and His Father’s unrelenting will that “none should perish” prevails in the end (2 Peter 3:9).

Throughout the last 2,000 years, this belief, embraced by a significant segment of Christianity, has been referred to as: Universal Reconciliation or Restoration, Universal Salvation, the Blessed Hope, Christian Universalism, Irresistible Grace, and a host of other names. It is not the same as the New Age belief that there are “many ways to God,” or that living a life of sin is of no consequence.

Universal Reconciliation is the belief that all people for all time will eventually be reconciled to God—that this lifetime is not the “only chance” to be saved—but that there is only one way to God, through Jesus Christ.

Through a very intentional plan that reaches into future ages, I believe the true Gospel is that all people for all time will be willingly and joyfully drawn by the unconditional, irresistible, compelling love of a Father into a relationship with Him through His Son.

In the end, every knee will have bowed, and every tongue will have confessed Jesus as Lord, giving praise to God (see Rom 14:11, Philippians 2:10).”

The website for Julie Ferwerda’s book:

Download as pdf: Raising Hell

Download abridged version: Raising Hell (abridged version)
