In this book Roman Catholic theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar defended what is sometimes called hopeful universalism, i.e. the belief that Christian orthodoxy allows us to hope that all persons will eventually be saved. Balthasar does not teach universal restoration as a dogmatic necessity, but defends what may be termed a conditional, but hopeful universalism: It is at least possible that all human beings will eventually accept the salvation of Christ.
“The Church’s teaching on Hell has been generally neglected by theologians, with the notable exception of Fr. von Balthasar. However, what he has said has stirred controversy both in Europe and in the United States. Here he responds in a clear and concise way, grounding his reflections clearly in Scripture. Revelation gives us neither the assurance that all will be saved, nor the certitude that any are condemned. What it does require of us is the “hope that all men be saved” rooted in a love of Christ that reaches even into the depths of Hell.”