Johann Wilhelm Petersen: Mystērion Apokatastaseōs Pantōn (1700)

Johann Wilhelm Petersen (1649–1727) was a German theologian, Philadelphian mystic, and millennialist. In his book Mystērion Apokatastaseōs Pantōn from 1700 he presented Origen’s doctrine on the Restoration of all things (apokatastasis panton). In German.

Johann Wilhelm Petersen (1649–1727) was a German theologian, Philadelphian mystic, and millennialist. In his book Mystērion Apokatastaseōs Pantōn from 1700 he presented Origen’s doctrine on the Restoration of all things (apokatastasis panton).

Download: Mystērion Apokatastaseōs Pantōn, Oder Das Geheimniß Der Wiederbringung aller Dinge, Durch Jesum Christum (pdf)
